Cucurbita pepo
'Small Sugar' pumpkin produces smooth textured, smallish pumpkins with bright orange flesh. Those in the know say it makes the finest pumpkin pie! Each compact vine normally produces 4-6 fruit. Hand pollination is recommended. Plant in well-drained, moderately fertile soil, compost should be added prior to planting. Plant in full sun and allow plenty of room for growth, allowing it to creep away from the patch or alternative set up a solid trellis so that it can grow vertically.
How to plant: Sow the seeds directly into the patch once the daytime temperature has reached more than 20C on a regular basis. Alternatively, it can be propagated in a mini greenhouse and then transplanted. Pumpkins are most suited to an in ground veggie patch.
When to plant:
Cool climate: October-December
Temperate: September-December
Subtropical: August-February
Tropical: February-September
Spacing: 1.5m
Depth: 2-4cm
Soil pH level: 6.5-7.0
Companion plants: Sweetcorn
Approximate no of seeds in packet: 15
Please note we are unable to ship seeds to Western Australia