Brassica oleracea
'Dwarf Blue' is a Russian variety of kale that produces frilly leaves and is very cold hardy. Very productive, each plant can continue to produce for more than one year, although it is susceptible to attacks from the white cabbage moth and its caterpillars in between. Ensure the soil is humus-rich and prepare with fresh manure and compost a fortnight before planting. Plant in full sun but the plants will benefit from some shading during warm weather.
How to plant: Soak seeds in water overnight prior to planting and then sow directly into your patch. Thin out once the seeds have germinated, approximately 7-10 days after planting.
When to plant:
Cool climate: September-April
Temperate: August-May
Subtropical: March-July
Tropical: May-July
Spacing: 30-40cm
Depth: 0.5-1cm
Soil pH Level: 6.5-7.0
Companion plants: Herbs, Onions
Approximate no of seeds in packet: 50-60
Please note we are unable to ship seeds to Western Australia