Rhododendron - An insight
'Rhododendron' is one of the largest genera of flowering plants, encompassing thousands of wild species. The majority can be found in the Himalayan region and in Southeast Asia. Smaller numbers are found throughout Europe, parts of the middle East, North America and Australia.
Most of the Rhododendrons people cultivate are hybrids and there are literally thousands across the world. For good reason, Rhododendrons are a very popular landscaping plant. Their unique evergreen foliage, stunning flowers and ease of care make them a standout addition to a cool climate garden.
There is a never ending list of different varieties, a plethora of colours and sizes. A few have scented flowers, some grow very tall, others remain under 1 metre when fully grown.
When planting a Rhododendron, the most important thing is the site, soil type and soil drainage. Get these things right and you will be able to enjoy the wonderful flowers for many years to come! (We'll talk more about this in a later blog)
Rhododendrons have been considered as having toxic effects if consumed in large doses. In spite of this, the plants have been used as traditional medicine for a wide variety of ailments in many countries, especially across Asia. In fact, in countries such as India, it is not uncommon to see advertisements for 'Rhododendron Tea' and statements such as 'Jumpstart your day with Rhododendron Tea, Packed with Antioxidants"
This has even become the 'go to' drink for certain aficionados. How would you feel about drinking it?
We know our customers are passionate about their Rhododendrons and we totally get it, there is a certain satisfaction to seeing those buds burst into life in spring and fill the garden with their glorious blooms.